Wednesday, November 23, 2011

City Wins Prestigious Budgeting Award


The City of Portsmouth’s budget document has received the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting for the sixth year in a row, City Manager John Bohenko announced Monday.
In conferring its Distinguished Budget Document Presentation Award upon the City’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget document for the period beginning July 1, 2011, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) said the honor “reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of government reporting.”
“To receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, operations guide, financial plan and as a communications device,” Bohenko said. “City staff, working under the guidance of Finance Director Judie Belanger with the support of our City Council, continually strive to ensure our budget document effectively conveys our vision and policies to our citizens.”
He noted GFOA gave the City’s budget document high marks based on 27 nationally recognized criteria, with reviewers commenting on how easy it was to read and understand.
According to GFOA, “Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America.”
Belanger said it is gratifying to receive national recognition with such a prestigious award honoring the commitment of the City Council and City staff to “meet and exceed national budgeting standards.” 
The GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program, established in 1984, recognizes exemplary budget documentation by state, provincial and local governments, as well as public universities and colleges. GFOA is comprised of 17,400 government finance professionals throughout North America.
In 2006, Portsmouth became the first New Hampshire municipality to receive the prestigious national budgeting recognition.
Submitted by Pat Remick, City of Portsmouth