Thursday, November 24, 2011

Simplify Your Budget with Ez Budget for Mac

By: prMAC

After paying off $28,000 of debt in just ten months, newly married and only two years out of college, Derek Clark decided to create budgeting software that anyone could use. Budgeting can be hard and most software makes the process more frustrating. Ez Budget attempts to solve both of these problems by providing a simple software interface to the tried and true method of envelope budgeting. It does this by securely syncing with your bank account and downloading your transactions.

Envelope budgeting is the simplest method to track your spending. At the beginning of each month you put X dollars in an envelope marked "Groceries." For that month you can only spend that amount on groceries, and you can only buy groceries with the money in that envelope. It keeps your spending under control and you aware of your spending. At a glance, you can see how much you have left in each envelope.

Ez Budget improves upon this method of budgeting by cutting out all of the envelopes and cash. Carrying around an actual envelope system isn't anyone's idea of simple, so the concept was applied to budgeting software. With Ez Budget, you make virtual envelopes and split your paycheck into each category. When you spend money you put that transaction into the proper envelope and the balance updates automatically to show you how much you have left.

The real power is that Ez Budget syncs between Mac, iPad, and iPhone so that you can have your budget handy
